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Is one of your New Year’s Resolutions to Loose Weight? Check this out!

Hey there, folks around the world, and Happy Holidays to everyone! It’s two weeks till Christmas, and New Year’s right after that. With the new year, comes many new beginnings for many people, with all the “New Year’s Resolutions” we make every year. But the truth about these “resolutions” is that they have a very low achievement rate for the majority of us. I know from experience that feeling of letting yourself slip out of a promise you made to yourself in the form of a “New Year’s Resolution”. After all, you can always start over again when the next New Year comes around, right? Sure. Why not. Just never mind all that damage you do to your self esteem, and the way you look at your ability to commit, or finish what you started. One of the top resolutions people set for themselves (and failed) is loosing weight, getting in shape, being more health conscious, etc. . In fact, the first week of January, go to any gym, and you’ll see them all jam-packed with everybody that had the same New Year’s resolution. Let’s go just a bit further ahead in time, like March. Go visit all those same gyms you looked at in January. Where are all those people? What happened? sure, there might still be a handful of the people you saw in January, but the truth of it is, most of those people that seemed so committed to their promises to themselves have already crapped out. That’s right. So many people jump right into paying tons of money on stuff to help them with their New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of the year, but three months into the year, and over half of them have already given up, wasting their time and money.

With the holiday season coming to an end in just a few weeks, people are already starting to think of what they want their New Year’s resolution to be. One of mine, as well as millions of others is to get in shape in 2012. I know I mentioned before, that over half of people’s resolutions don’t make it past the first couple months, and you can count on the fact that I will be  testing myself, unlike I have done in years past, because I am determined to not fall into that statistic of failures (this time). Upon setting my goals for next year, I have set a new goal this year, to not let any of my goals, or “resolutions”, slip by the wayside.

Like many of the people that will read this, I have been looking at all the information I could come up with. I’ve been scouring the net searching for a different approach to my goal for weight loss in the next year. I cam e across some good information, and a few good programs that seem like they might be worth a deuce. Here is some of the Info I found.

There is just so much information out there, and so much of it is total crap; lots of ads about programs and equipment that seem about as  effective as teets on a bull… Here are some tips I found from WikiHow, in the article “How to Loose Weight Safely“:

  • A possible diet: Breakfast: toast with your favourite spread, banana, coffee; Snack: apple, carrot; Lunch: whole-grain sandwich with chicken or ham, cheese, salad vegetables, 97% fat free mayo, tomato sauce (don’t make that face, tomato sauce is really nice with mayo!), salt and pepper; Snack: handful of nuts (not too many), coffee and/or natural yogurt with berries(will need a little sugar, depending on the yogurt); Dinner: lean meat, vegetables or pasta with tomato-based sauce or vegetable/minestrone soup with fresh bread.
  • Important: you should never be hungry. if you are, you’re not eating enough or you need to start eating proper food. include more fiber into your diet and eat small meals regularly.
  • Also Important: You will not lose weight effectively and permanently, and you will not maintain your weight-loss if you don’t exercise regularly. This means almost every day for at least 30 minutes. No excuses, just do it.
  • Another possible diet: a bowl of Special K cereal for breakfast, a jelly sandwich with trans-fat free bread and an apple for lunch, salmon and green-beans for dinner. Snacks can include carrots, celery or a banana.
  • Find snacks that you love that are healthy, such as fresh fruit, raw vegetables, low-fat yogurt or cottage cheese, and be sure to stock them in your pantry. Limit yourself to two snacks each day. If you crave more than two snacks, chomp on a piece of gum for a few hours.
  • Don’t shop when you are hungry. Have a healthy snack and a glass of water before heading to the grocery store.
  • Add good fats to your diet. Monounsaturated fats have been clinically proven to help you burn fat, especially in your midsection. So, add foods like avocadoes, kalamata olives, walnuts, and flaxseed to your diet.
  • Increase your daily fibre intake. Pick whole meal bread, and whole grains (bulgar wheat, quinoa).
  • Try a daily walk. It is a great exercise for weight loss. You can go at your own pace. If you walk with a friend it is mentally uplifting to chat and support each other.
  • Add strength training to your exercise plan to build lean muscle. While aerobic exercise (like walking) helps burn calories, anaerobic (or strength-building) exercise can help boost your metabolism.
  • Add one or two extra vegetables to your evening meal that you would usually not eat. Try new recipes with unfamiliar ingredients to keep your eating plan interesting and fun.
  • Use non stick cookware or barbeque to limit oils and fats.
  • Go crazy with herbs and strong flavors to make your meals very tasty and satisfying – potentially you’ll eat less.
  • Use a smaller plate.
  • Clear up left-overs before sitting down to avoid second helpings.
  • Drink lots of water: about 2 litres/day (approx. 64 oz). Drink a glass of water about 20 minutes before dinner to help you feel full.
  • Put your knife and fork down instead of loading it up while you chew. Eating more slowly allows your body to be in time with your brain so that by the time you “feel” full you haven’t already over eaten.
  • Avoid/limit alcohol (3-4 standard drinks/week)- it reduces your ability to lose fat as well as making it harder to resist temptation.
  • Measure your loss by how your clothes feel on you and only weigh yourself once every couple of weeks. Take your measurements once a month to judge your weight loss in inches as well as pounds.
  • Find a friend who wants to feel better too and use each other for support.
  • Listen to slow music while you eat. It’s been proven to help you eat slower, which helps you lose weight.
  • Avoid processed foods. Anything that comes in a package is usually full of fats, sugars and salts. Know what you’re eating in advance.
  • Follow a simple program that includes a easy to follow meal plan, exercise plan and supplement plan.Be sure to stay focus on yourself first, that is what is important. be safe during workout process…
  • A possible diet is to eat whatever you want but little of it (that’s about 20% of it) and EXERCISE! JUST DO IT! It’s the only way! Stop trying to find programs that lose weight without exercise, you can’t be lazy.

I also happened to come across a few programs that caught my eye, and so I decided to look into them, and share the info here with you all. Out of the HUNDREDS of programs I have looked at over the past few days, I limited my list down to the top three programs I thought would be worth spending my own personal time and money on, and hope it may help you decide now, what you plan to do next year to improve yourself.  After all, PROCRASTINATION is what KILLS 90% OF ALL New Year’s resolutions, so why not get started now, and get a jump start, and make eliminating procrastination another one of the resolutions you actually keep!

#1) Fat Loss 4 Idiots –  Don’t let the name fool you, you won’t feel like an Idiot for using this program. At only $39, it is definitely one of the cheaper options available on the web right now. It is a very simplified system, that is based on foods that trigger fat burning hormones and boost your metabolism, and uses its own version of a dieting system known as calorie shifting. This program promises that you can loose up to 9 pounds in 11 days. One of the many reasons people fail on their New Year’s diet plans, is that results don’t show up fast enough, and we often get discouraged. For anybody that wants to avoid this happening should give this a try, since seeing such results so soon can be great encouragement and motivation.

#2) 24/7 Fat Loss –  This program is designed to turn your body into a 24/7 fat burning machine!  It’s entire focus is to have you burning calories every minute of the day, and it’s promise of this goal is backed by Joel Marion, and Craig Ballantyne, who have been featured in and on Fox News, Maximum Fitness, NBC, Men’s Fitness, Men’s Health, Muscle Media, Oxygen, Woman’s Day, Yahoo!Health, and more. The package comes with an impressive amount of materials, to include 6 books of information, a 24 hour timeline plan, a supplement guide, a 24/7 checklist, and an audio CD of Questions and answers all about fat loss, and how the program works, as well as a 4-day Rapid Fat Loss e-book as a launch bonus. Although it is slightly more expensive than the previously mentioned dieting system, at $47,  it is backed by a 60 day, money back guarantee – which will at least give you some breathing room in case you are worried about your ability to adhere to a resolution you’ve set for yourself.

#3) The Diet Solution – Last but not least, I picked The Diet Solution. It really came down to a close tie between the previous and this one. They both center around foods that accelerate fat burning, and this one gives a lot of information right on their pitch video about paricular foods that are imperative to avoid, and about how to combine the right foods together to efficiently create a “fat burning effect”. They don’t claim any super fast results, but do promise a believable “typical” result of 3-10 pounds per week, with consistent fat loss results after that. the video does divulge some important information that you can start using right away, for free, that seems to be good information to have, which leads me to believe that inside their program is a wealth of information, which could be put to good use. Also, as with the 24/7 Fat Loss program, the cost is the same – $47, and there is also a 60 day money-back guarantee on this one, as well.

Well, I really hope this helps anybody that is looking for a diet plan that might work for them, and I hope you all stick with it. One of the key factors to remember when trying to loose weight is that it is 90% mental, any way you do it. Instead of focusing on the weight you want to loose, just focus on the weight you would like to be at, and you will get there much faster, and above all, DON’T QUIT!! Perseverance is what makes anything work, so just hang in there, and you will be well on your way to achieving your goals in no time!

By the way, you can find some great deals for fitness equipment, books, and supplements by clicking HERE! Or you can check out some of the links below!